Saturday, June 28, 2008
Listen, speaking a language that is easy
In the air unheard of as what is for us un-breathable
Believable as this that you don’t believe in, like long life for everyone in a war zone
Possible, as everything is as change is constant.
To hear them talk about you is quite an air-full.
They speak bold, truths that are rooted in rumors and exaggeration of every day speech.
When they hear you do they understand anything, in their active hearing are they actively listening?
Just saying that, that is something to be made an effort off by anyone who really wishes to understand what they are hearing.
I will sometimes ask myself do they really wish to understand or are they just making conversation, not intelligent, just movement of the mouth and sound coming out.
Unfortunately I am able to hear them, ignore I don’t but reply in kind.
Children Misbehaving

Should it be an offense if two (2) minors {as being defined as persons sixteen (16) years and under} have consensual sex with other? Well that is what is planned in new legislation to protect children here in Trinidad and Tobago. They are trying to protect them against themselves.
How do they plan to treat with child/children who have broken this proposed law?
Juvenile intuitions of corrections are notorious for their own brand of offenses, from bulling, beatings, molestation and rape by older and more seasoned inmates of such institutes. Why are they not fixing the institutions first before enacting legislation that will potentially increase the population of these places?
In no way should children be encouraged to have sex.
Making it a criminal offense will in no way stop or prevent it from happening. Delaying one’s child sexual encounters until they are adults when hopefully they are able to understand and cope with the responsibility of such a beautiful act should start at a very young age. This takes parents, mature parents who make time to spend with their children, supported by grandparents, aunts and uncles (if they have them). Know your child, communicate; the lines of communication should be so open with your child that they will be at ease to come to you with any problems, concerns and temptation that would come their way from day to day.
So to the original question I say NO. Then what do I know?
A Child Killed
Our bodies went cold, everyone who heard the news for the first time paused, their jaws dropped a bit some still tears came to their eyes. When the picture of the beautiful little girl made front page the anger level of the people of this nation raised they tasted the blood on their tongues.Hope
Another child is dead, dead at the hands of an adult, dead.
Why do people kill children? I can’t answer that but think about it, some of the murders of children tend to occur as part of a murder suicide when a relationship goes bad. As for the latest murder the question as to why this little girl was killed is still unanswered. This question will never be fully answered because the alleged killer, her step-dad, allegedly killed himself whiled being held in isolation away from the general population of the prison.
What can we do to prevent the next child from being murdered?
Do you know where your child is at this very moment? Do you know who they are with? Knowledge is the proper use of that knowledge is even better. Monitor your new boy/girl friend(s) when they are with your children, their probation period should be long and carefully monitored. Talk to their friends, family and associates. When you see flags address them immediately do not wait confront him/her and do it with tact. Do not be paranoid; paranoia makes the situation more difficult.
Legislation is way behind where it should be, protecting the nation’s children seems to be low on the government of
May be I am just wrong and things are being done and we haven’t heard about it.