Ah look at them strolling down the sidewalk arm in arm without a care in the world. Wearing the latest fashion, lips highlighted with red lipstick.
What is there to be said about the pig and the pit-bull? In this American election season the Republicans and the Democrats have placed those two animals in the spotlight, I am not sure that they want to be there or may be they want to. Since the nomination of Pit Bull with lipstick as the Republican nominee for vice president this has surely thrown a wrench in the gears of the Democrats, beautiful women tend to do that to men. How exactly do you cope with a woman in this race to the White House?
I think that they the Democrats should treat her as they would any other VP candidate or even better they should contract the services of the Dog Whisperer to teach them or rather train them (the Human) how to be in the proper mindset to deal with them. A Pit Bull with lipstick after all is an animal. He is said and has shown (on TV) to be an expert with dogs included are Pit Bull who can forget “Daddy”. The Democrats need to be calm and assertive, animals love to be treated as animals they Pit Bulls and pigs are animals are they not? May be even EVE who I think described herself in song as a “Pit Bull in a skirt”. I am sure that Eve will be lots of help to the Democratic Party.
It is like what happens here in Trinidad and Tobago at election time as we say the Bacchanal Start but bacchanal is good at carnival because carnival is bacchanal. The real issues are trivialized by fluff issues that have no real effect in the long run. I am sure that you want a stable economy ( I think that there is a multibillion dollar bail out going on right now, the financial giants need help), more better paying jobs, security overall reduction of crime, better health care and cheaper healthy food.
People read my words this world will never again return to a state of perfection or as one might say organized confusion this world is slowly unraveling and good ole USA will do it utmost best to keep the cloth from fraying, and that they should and they would for a time.
I now introduce another word that should help all of us with relating to one another Respect. Flip it any direction you like, this is what is lacking on both sides. Grow up people.