I attended a baptism today, remember that evangelistic series that I talked about in my last blog entry. Evidently people do believe, may be they just should.
The days events were threatened by rain and wind after all we are in the rain season it is to be expected. A few persons got a little wet but as we say in Trinidad “the only thing rain stops is Cricket” so the show went on.
About 30 (thirty) persons got baptized. This was not the sprinkling type baptism but full submersion. This was done at the “New” Clifton Hill/Guapo Beach facilities. The candidates, one by one were fully submerged by the pastor assisted by an elder; the sky was overcast the whole time as the members of the church sang. The beach was sprinkled by a few bathers occasionally looking on at what was going on.
After it was all done they went back to the tent for lunch.
The tent is scheduled for demolition the following day Sunday 27th 2008.

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