Saturday, November 28, 2009

Pulling Bull

Who the Hell is them “P” Boy?

The drivers that ply their private vehicles for hire, “Pulling Bull,” along the Guapo, Cap-de-Ville main road from Point Fortin to Cap-de-Ville must have gone mad. They have decided to increase the “taxi” fare for the Point Fortin to Cap-de –Ville, from three dollars to four dollars on the main road and an extra dollar to go inside. Trunk space thirty to thirty five dollars for the Christmas season they say.

Oh I almost forgot pulling bull is illegal still in Trinidad and Tobago so therefore persons who engage in illegal activity are, beautiful flowers, hell no they are criminals, right or wrong?

This is my problem, the increase in taxi fare one and this is what boils my water. Two, how can people who are conducting an illegal activity purport themselves to be a legal entity? You clowns cannot organize and have a “taxi” service. Have people in Trinidad gone mad?

The government has shirked its responsibility to provide access to all it citizens to reasonable transport while providing an opportunity for legal competition. Now the criminals are calling the shots while the legal taxi “H-Cars,” few they are, have to follow behind with their tails between their legs. One cannot verbalize all the inherent dangers of travelling with “P”-cars. No insurance coverage, no certificate of good character and no visible picture ID. The driver could be a card caring rapist, pervert and murderer and you would not know because there would have been nothing to mitigate such a situation. I think basically we are travelling with people who do not care about us; all they want is your money, so they choose not invest (and for the most part are not interested in investing) in being a legal taxi for hire.

Something has to be done. Some have started blocking the roads. A fire has to be lit, not a literal a fervent energy to encourage social change. What will it take to get the government attention, the attention of our member of parliament and the police to address this issue? What has the government done to encourage compliance with the law? What are they doing now? The answer to those questions is nothing. Now we have to react crank the juice.

Two wrongs don’t as they say make a right, but doing nothing as these criminals fester on our roads is just as bad or even worse. It is time for us to stand for something other than self.

A possible solution; government gives a one or two month amnesty to all those pulling bull, cancel all costs associated with acquiring an H license and pays for the medical all the interested party has to do is make the appointment with the licensing office, acquire a certificate of good character (accelerated tracing time due to dedicated personnel for that task) and pass all the relevant tests.

We have to do something, something NOW!

Monday, November 23, 2009

What do we care? Really what do you care about?

Is there anything that we as Trinidadians will stand up and fight for? What I am talking about is going out on the street and protest, active participation to encourage change. What are we willing to fight for?

Yes I know if the Government was to ban Carnival there might just be riots on the street just imagine if rum were to become illegal, for sure bush rum (babash) sales will go through the roof and more people dead, but for sure that will almost like not happen.

The cost of food and the basic amenities are increasing in almost daily yet we do nothing. We are a country of frivolity, fun, excess and rum. In a lot of ways showing off is our passion “I will buy it just because” and corruption is almost second nature. Your parents sending “gifts” for the teacher/principal to encourage favor, or you long lost uncle pulling some “string so that you can get that sweet position. For sure it is not all bad but it is like almost all bad.

Really, criminals killing people almost at will and we are almost numb sorry not almost we are numb, citizens engaging in all manner of petty crimes, small thing? The police seem unwilling to engage the criminals head on, are they afraid? Well I would expect some sort of fear after all they are human aren’t they?

May be the real reason for this sluggishly cautious approach is that some of their members in high and low rank are actively and passively engaging in and encouraging the criminal elements in their pursuit of criminal power, allegedly.

Do you detect a little frustration? Hell yeh!

Where does our belly lie?

Friday, November 13, 2009

Carrie Prejean, Sextapes and a Christian.

Why the hell would you want to make a sex tape if you don’t want anyone to see it, other than the man, woman or toy you made it with in this day and age especially.

If you made a sex tape and you were in your straight and legal mind at the time of filming then expect it to be in the hands of your local porn purveyor shortly thereafter(so don’t forget your makeup and have your game face on). You just might not be able to do anything about it.

So you have had your fun on tape exploring varying niceties and now someone has leaked it on the inter-web what do you do? Well I could think of three solutions:

1. Sue the living day lights out of the bastard (must have deep pockets I don’t think that you will get a lawyer for free).

2. Jump in go for the money explore your porn side, see how far it gets you.

3. Be straight up about it, “yes I did it, I would have preferred it to remain a secret but it is now out” express your relevant sympathies and move on. Don’t look for any friends or support groups you are least likely to get any support in this scenario. Be selfless you might benefit.

Carrie Prejean you have now become some sort of Christian morality waving flag ah la blond. Girl you are not a moral example you are just a Celebrity, a reflection in a cracked mirror of a wanna be celebrity.

Consequences, can you handle it?

A lot of people around the world seem to have grown up with the idea that there are no negative consequences for things there is a misconception that everything is all groovy whatever you do. “Where is your hero spirit, be a hero and learn to live with consequences nah!” Carrie Prejean, are you a hero for a christian cause? Well be a good Christian girl..

So Carrie Prejean, grow up and get off the air, you are an embarrassment to every so-called “Christian” that you represent. Go on and limp into the sunset you are not helping anybody right now.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hello world

Hi people how are things? Yes I know that I am a stranger now, I have not even come to visit during my so called vacation from you all and that was not good. It is my aim to post more often to this blog from now on.

I am still going forward with my art work trying my hand with some designs for tee shirts. I might just put some samples up on this blog and yeh I know you will tell me what you think. I will be back.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

IN the Dance Again

Hi people it has been a while. How are things? Have things gotten better with you while I was away?

I have no good reason for being away I just got a little lazy, but I am back God willing for a ling time.
I do know though that I need to get more traffic to this site. So yes I am doing the Twitter thing and soon. AlistairKookie.
I will put up some other links.

Art has always been a passion of mine so I have ventured into the styles of Photoshop and Illustrator.
I will Paste some of my art work on this site for you to look at and link up some arrangements for sales and stuff.

Bless. L8RS

Sunday, April 19, 2009

5th Summit of the Americas And?

Well it has ended. The summit has come and gone the zones red and yellow has been dismantled. Now we can get back to normal.

It is now wait and see what the outcome of this event will be for the twin island state and the rest of the Caribbean and the Americas. What will the future be for Cuba our Caribbean sister?

Little focus was given by the media to any murders or criminal activity that happened over the summit weekend. I have heard of about three or four murders, who knows, there might have been a lot else that went unreported. I guess we were all excited by the goings on at the Hyatt and nothing is wrong with that.

There were times when things were tense between the security forces and some activist citizens. They even called drumming illegal in an attempt to stop the drum it to the summit and there was a tense standoff but cooler heads prevailed and the police was ordered to leave.

Looking at the news channels CNN, MSNBC, Fox News and the BBC there was some reporting on the summit but I don’t think that it was enough. Then again I wandered what was enough reporting? At least our country’s name was highlighted, Trinidad and Tobago.

Well I have work tomorrow, sometimes I wished I had enough money to live comfortably. I might happen...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Two Dotish old Men a Carnival Thing.

On Sunday morning on my way back home to Cap-De-Ville from Point Fortin via the Guapo/Cap-De-Ville main road, I got a taste of what I would call Carnival dotishness.

This should have been a normal Sunday morning drive back home, this was not to be soon we realized that cars were starting to slow down and stop. The first thing that came to mind was car accident further up the road, reason being today carnival Sunday nuff drunk people on the road and not more than 4 months ago a car flipped over mashed up a wall and the driver was killed within this same area.

I got out the car and started to walk only to realize it was not an accident but two vehicles parked on the bridge whose drivers decided that they not moving a fire truck from Point Fortin fire station and a private citizen "Mr. Mitchum".

By this time people from the neighborhood were out at the roadside, passengers and drivers had exited their vehicles. People pleaded with the drivers of both vehicles to reverse but both said that they were in the right and that they were not moving.

This was the position of the vehicles on the bridge. The cab and the front tyres of the fire truck was on the bridge and the car (an old model sunny) was three quarters of the way on the bridge, a little over 10 feet before he would exit the bridge. The drivers of both vehicles were older men, the driver of the sunny was the elder of the two both stubborn old men.

The police arrived about 20 minutes after I arrived on the scene. The people voices were sometimes raised passionate that the fire truck should reverse; it had the least distance to reverse about 15 feet where as the car about 30 feet. The lawmen talked with the drivers of both vehicles, people shouted " that why it have so much crime in the country big people no common sense" "too much damn pride" said another. These two men serve as a bad example to all young people.

This is an example of how most of the people in the protective services treat the public. They thump their chest "I am the Law clear the way when I come through, I am right all the time". They show little respect to the citizenry. It would have taken less than a minute for the fire truck to reverse instead of this almost two hour showdown before high noon.

Eventually the firemen were persuaded (after the police realized that the crowd passionate people was getting bigger) by the police men to reverse which took all of ten seconds and vehicular traffic was flowing again.

A little excitement in Cap-De-Ville was nice... Carnival Nice eh!

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Happy Valentines to all. I hope that your day is filled with love.
The love of God, the love of your friends and family and even nature.

I guess without doing any poles those three words are said the most this day out of all 
the three hundred and sixty five (365) days of the year, "I Love You" is said mostly on 
the 14Th of February Valentines Day, when most of the world peoples are partially high 
in chocolate of some sort. The colour red is predominant in almost every choice of 
wear, sidewalk merchants are peddling the latest in eatable underwear, perfumed 
plastic roses, real roses, perfume sets, chocolate soft to the touch due to the heat of the 
sun and teddy bears of all sizes.

One is forced almost to find money that you don't have in these hard economic times to 
buy that traditional item be it chocolate roses, perfume, greeting cards, negligee or teddy 
bear for that loved one.  Doing this supposedly conveys some sort of representation of 
love or even intent to love more. 
How often though, do we / you neglect to verbally express that feeling and emotion of 
love  to our significant other when it is not the season to do so? I guess the answer for 
most of you / us is, not that often and there may even be a never in-between said there 

Tell her that you love her and mean it, not because you'll just had an exquisite rumble in 
the sack and she did that thing that you like you express those words, (there is nothing 
wrong with saying it at that time either) but those words should be spoken when there 
is seemingly no reason for such a compliment. For example; you've just reached home 
from work and the wife is in a frumpy mood, you can see it represented on her face 
say "I love you honey and appreciate all that you do for me" and mean it because she 
will surely know if you don't and that you are just mamaguying her. She may not even 
react at that point in time but I bet you a million dollars that will remember it in you'll 
quiet time together.

Say it!

What yuh waitin' on? 

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Her Last Championship Bout

On Sunday 4th of January around7am according to news (express) reports Jizelle Salandy had her last bout in the ring of life.

It was in the first minute of the first round of the 12 round championship bout when she was hit with a powerful jab to her chin that knocked her out.

When the bell chimed for the bout to start the spectators in the packed arena stood to their feet in unison, the air in the arena reverberated with their loud cheers and merrymaking. The action was intense jizelle had landed several solid blows to her opponent’s body; she landed a powerful uppercut that her stumbling backward into the ropes, dizzy.

Then it happened, the blow came at her as if from nowhere, like lightening from a cloudless sky, BAM! And she was out. She fell slowly to the mat as if to say “give me a second, I’m not done yet”. Within seconds the ringside doctor was at her side, the referee declared “fight over”. The doctor screamed “not bloody yet!” but unfortunately it was.

That faithful Sunday morning the world of Trinidad and Tobago came to an abrupt stop, our world stood still as death held her hand her body draped in her eight (8) Championship Title Belts as she walked into eternity confident and with a smile on her face.

Jizelle we will always love you.










Jizelle Salandy

Than that was her last 10 count.

Fight Over.

You have fought an excellent fight.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

At approximately 12am last night Happy New Year rang out all around the world. Couples, friends and family cried danced hugged and kissed each other to welcome this New Year 2009.

In Trinidad fireworks legal and illegal rang out at midnight, dogs and other animals ran trying the get away from the loud noises. The New Year came in with a bang.

I wish an end to all the war that is going on in the world today, do I hear Peace and Love. Perfect health to all, I wish that this blog gain a lot of fans and I make millions this year (wishful thinking may be but having some extra money sure would not hurt, ha-ha)

People be good. Love to all…