Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Murder and a Happy New Year

I heard this evening that a thief allegedly removed several items of value from Dana Elaine Owens aka Queen Latifah’s room while she vacationed on the Island of Tobago. She was not in the room at the time of the alleged robbery, and Tobago police are mum on the alleged theft.

Today the eve of New Years Eve the Murderer’s have run rampant on the Island of Trinidad. To date over 500 people have been murdered, it is as if it was some sort of national contest “the person with the most blood on their hands wins the prize, yippy”. Trinidadians have become numb, deaf to the death bell’s toll. “Ah glad it not me” whispered under the breath when the bell tolls. In my head I can hear that kid from that show who said “are we there yet?” but instead the voice is saying “are they Dead yet?”. No but really are they all dead yet?

Are we to become accustomed to this daily onslaught to our senses and to our collective bodies, the soles of our feet are ah-washed with blood of our fellow countrymen our breath stifled with the stench of their collective rot while some of us party and drink to distract ourselves from the reality of the situation.

As a people we find unity in distraction, everything is a reason for a party. We work hard and party harder (some may say party the hardest). If someone were to conduct a survey to find out the ratio of churches or places of worship to bars I think that they will discover that for every place of worship there is a bar (a place for the enjoyment of alcohol). Ours is a place where teenagers freely walk around with alcoholic beverages especially on carnival and borough time in obvious view of the police and it is cool.

There is no place better than Trinidad and Tobago.

For the year 2009 I wish for Trinidad and Tobago, prosperity for all, No Murders, no Kidnapping, better health care for all, a greater tolerance for all and the love of God.

Have a Happy New Year all, be safe.


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Yes we did it 500!

This was an eventful year for this world. Sadly the lack of death was not part of it. I think that we should celebrate. Killing 500 was the game that we here in Trinidad and Tobago played and we won whoo-hoo! In fact we beat the 500 dead bodies’ high score. It remind me of the line from that song that some of you may know “let the bodies hit floor” and the bodies sure did hit the floor, I wander if next year the chant will be

“we want more, we want more, more bodies hit the floor, more bodies to hit the floor”.

I can hear it now like an insane early carnival morning jouvert rhythm I can taste and feel the mud on my skin like cemetery dirt on a coffin.

The government seems to catching its tail in trying to deter and catch these criminals who have engineered such a ghoulish rhythm.

Someone out there in this bright and wonderful world finally realized that the world was in a recession and shortly thereafter the government of Trinidad did recognize this fact. “Tighten your belt” was the instruction given by the Prime Minister Mr. Patrick Manning. In usual Trinidad fashion we said sure boss sometime after carnival.

Other than that I am alive, friends and loved ones too. Everyone is in relative good health and that is something to celebrate. It is a blessing to be alive and even a bigger bonus to be in good health.

What will happen in 2009? I hope only good things but you and I know better evil is not likely to end soon but good is always there like a worm blanket in the cold.

So if I don’t write on this blog before this year ends Merry Christmas, Season’s Greetings and Happy New Year. Love To All.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Who the Hell Is Patrick Manning?

This is what happen (in my own words) Mr. Manning is in a barber shop the radio is playing in the background and the two DJ’s announcers are complaining about the cost of gas for vehicles that the average consumer uses, they go on about the cost of CNG conversion kits and all while inferring that Mr. Manning was to blame for additional expense on the consumers pockets. In the last budget presentation the Government of Trinidad and Tobago increased the cost of premium gasoline. Justifying the increase by saying that the average consumer doesn’t use premium gasoline. Apparently Mr. Manning did not like what he heard so he enquired of the barber the name of the radio station and personally visited the station after he concluded his business in San Fernando.

After Mr. Manning complained in person at the radio station, the station held its own investigation and as a result the two (2) DJ’s were suspended.

Now this is my problem, why did Manning have to go there personally? He is the Prime minister of Trinidad and Tobago; his person visit ensured that the two DJ’s were suspended. Why did he not use the normal route for making complaints? Can we as ordinary citizens do the same, why shouldn’t we follow the Prime Minister’s example? Is it because as he said “I run the country” he could do what he wants? Mr. Manning I have a complain the cost of food stuff for the ordinary man is to high, criminals in the country has killed over four hundred (400) people I have a problem with that it offends me that so many of my fellow countrymen have been killed and it seems that you can do nothing about it may I come to your office and complain anytime?

If you run this country as you say be a proper example and follow the right procedures, complain you should if you are offended everyone should but there are rules and you must follow it, even you Mr. Patrick Manning. Arrogance does not become you or perhaps, that is the real Patrick Manning.

Barack Obama

They all heard it as if heard by one ear.

They ran, they sang, they cried, they sat in disbelief, they gathered in the streets and danced, they got down on their knees and prayed and this was the beginning of celebration. It is a victory for Barack Obama. Yes we can and yes he did.

This is what happened on the night during the hours after Barack Obama was declared winner of the United Stated general election. Ha Haa! Those skinheads and white supremacist all those black haters must have had one hell of a collective explosive diarrhea, man that is nasty but sweet.

This was the first time in world history that the world (most of I think) has celebrated the outcome of an American Election. I think that this is a good thing but it has put a great burden on the shoulders of Barack. A burden because he has to somehow meet the expectation of all black Americans and the freedom loving world because the United States of America has placed itself in the position of leader on this planet therefore there are world expectations. The question now is, are his shoulders broad enough to carry that global responsibility? They might just be, but he will need help of all of us.

No one taught that it could have ever happen now that it has happened what’s next? No one taught that if there was a black president of the United States that he would be a liberal; because from what I have found out American blacks have traditionally been conservative (I know that you would correct me if I am wrong). What is the next great thing to happen to the world? I don’t know may be you know may be the next president will be a woman after all it is not a far fetch idea.

Now that President Elect Obama is being briefed by the FBI, CIA and all the other agencies the work has now begun. With two wars going on their financial system in a mess he is stepping into the dance with the party in full swing and he has to find rhythm NOW.

God Bless Barack Obama.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Perfect Vagina

What exactly is The Perfect Vagina?
Have you ever seen one?
Or is it a matter of opinion?
Tell me.

Wait a minute, how did I reach this point? I am in an internet cafĂ© and on the computer that I’m using there is an .avi file called “the perfect vagina,” I am like this seems interesting so I copied it to my flash drive. When I reached home I viewed said file on my computer. I was not prepared as a guy for what I saw and heard, but I was glad who ever downloaded it and left it on the computer. It was insightful.

What I saw was a documentary, yeh documentary, by a British Television Reporter Lisa Rogers. She was investigating British women perception of their Labia and growing trend of Labia cosmetic surgery. Apparently women labia go through some changes during puberty, causing the labia to grow to different lengths and no two are exactly the same. Their may be some similarities but that is it. Where did this idea of a perfect vagina come from I am sure that people have their preferences and that is fine. If there is some abnormality of the labia that impedes the normal function of the vagina then I think that it is logical that some adjustments will be made.

One particular young lady in the documentary was teased and laughed at by her own sister about the length of her labia and she (the one do the teasing) then went on to tell their male friends about her sisters labia and they made her the lip of their jokes (pardon the bad pun). She (the sister being laughed at) was so devastated by what her sister and friends had said to her that she decided to have her labia cut and trimmed. What the hell what I saw was totally beautiful (yes you do see the before, during and after), what they did was totally not cool. What? Do they think that the shaven pubescent look of some of the women in the porn is normal and represent most women?

Have anyone ever heard anything like that in the on the male side of things? No I think not, if you have, tell me.

Being a man I was totally horrified and taken back by the whole thing. I think that all normal thinking men will not have a problem with the length of a woman’s labia. The average hetero man is just glad to be in the presence of the Yoni. (This Link is for 18years or older be warned) Yoni

To any young lady who might be considering the idea please do think very long and hard consider all. In fact I think that you should perish the taught you are beautiful all over. Why would you want to be wallpaper, the sale pattern repeated over and over again?

Be unique, there is real beauty in that.

Please do check all links in the article.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Town Hall Debate

John McCain and Barack Obama town hall style meeting.

A whole lot of the same, where was the fundamental difference? Only one talked about education (Barak Obama), what collage students will do when they graduate and they will in the years ahead. With all the chaos in the economy something concrete has to be done. No one as far as I heard gave a this-comes-next-after-this as to what will be done. Students now will inherit this indecision when they graduate with loans to be paid and jobs to earn a paycheck to repay the loans near to non-existent.

The usual politicking occurred little or no straight answers to questions, ah whole lot of fluff. Senator John McCain stood to benefit and loose the most since this was his arena, while Barack Obama just had to gain points and that he did not much in my estimation but he did gain some points. I think in a 10 point system out of a potential full ten points John McCain gets Five (5) points and Barack Obama gets seven (7) points.

I am not American but what happens with you affects the economy here in Trinidad and Tobago when you cough we get the cold. We sell like 90% of our natural gas to the US. A security interest I say and I am sure if anything were to play off between the Americans and Venezuela we will “willingly” host you because we are just like 7 miles off the Venezuelan coast. I pray to God that nothing of the sort happens because in no form will it work out good for us.

By the way maverick (Independent person: an independent thinker who refuses to conform to the accepted views on a subject) has been thrown around by the republicans, while there is some good there is also another meaning, Unbranded animal: an unbranded animal, especially a calf that has become separated from its mother and herd. By convention, it can become the property of whoever finds it and brands it. (Microsoft Encarta 2009)

Think About it.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Pit Bull and the Pig

Ah look at them strolling down the sidewalk arm in arm without a care in the world. Wearing the latest fashion, lips highlighted with red lipstick.

What is there to be said about the pig and the pit-bull? In this American election season the Republicans and the Democrats have placed those two animals in the spotlight, I am not sure that they want to be there or may be they want to. Since the nomination of Pit Bull with lipstick as the Republican nominee for vice president this has surely thrown a wrench in the gears of the Democrats, beautiful women tend to do that to men. How exactly do you cope with a woman in this race to the White House?

I think that they the Democrats should treat her as they would any other VP candidate or even better they should contract the services of the Dog Whisperer to teach them or rather train them (the Human) how to be in the proper mindset to deal with them. A Pit Bull with lipstick after all is an animal. He is said and has shown (on TV) to be an expert with dogs included are Pit Bull who can forget “Daddy”. The Democrats need to be calm and assertive, animals love to be treated as animals they Pit Bulls and pigs are animals are they not? May be even EVE who I think described herself in song as a “Pit Bull in a skirt”. I am sure that Eve will be lots of help to the Democratic Party.

It is like what happens here in Trinidad and Tobago at election time as we say the Bacchanal Start but bacchanal is good at carnival because carnival is bacchanal. The real issues are trivialized by fluff issues that have no real effect in the long run. I am sure that you want a stable economy ( I think that there is a multibillion dollar bail out going on right now, the financial giants need help), more better paying jobs, security overall reduction of crime, better health care and cheaper healthy food.

People read my words this world will never again return to a state of perfection or as one might say organized confusion this world is slowly unraveling and good ole USA will do it utmost best to keep the cloth from fraying, and that they should and they would for a time.

I now introduce another word that should help all of us with relating to one another Respect. Flip it any direction you like, this is what is lacking on both sides. Grow up people.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Church and the Gay

If you are not a Christian don’t believe that there is a God or you are one of those Christian fundamentalist, which are all God given choices that you can make, you may not choose to read further. But it might do you good to explore beyond you comfort zone or may be this might be just a good comedic read. Ha-Ha!

I have heard a lot of discussion lately about homosexuality (living an alternative lifestyle, some might say) and the church. Discussions held on BetJ “My two Cents” caught my attention. I must say that those pastors could not explain their churches position or even why they breathe to save their own lives.

Christianity and the Gay, what is the problem really, when the basic tenants of Christianity is love to God then love to man and a healthy application of “do unto others as one would have them do unto you”. It will do Christians well to remember that we are all made in the image and likeness of God and we have all sinned and come short of His Glory. Added to that people ask the question that is em blazed on everything from wrist bands to tee shirts, WWJD (what would Jesus do?) really what would Jesus do? My answer, “love your fellow man”.

Christianity basically states (as in the Bible) that there can only be marriage between male and female (Man and Woman) for this reason a man shall leave his mother and father and be united to his wife and they two(2) shall be one (1) flesh, this can be found within the verses of Matt. 19:4-6 and Gen. 2:24 NIV. The bible condemns this and many acts of the “flesh” often with death (Lev.20: 7-21 esp. verse 13). The death of Christ introduced Grace which when applied gives one “time”, a moment (for want of a better term), to repent not suffer the immediate death as described in the Bible.

Homosexuality did not start in the near past but is very old. Man professing that he be wise but instead only being foolish, they could not see God so the made representations of him in forms shapes as they believe God to be. We still do that today. God basically said you want to do what you want to do go right ahead I would not stop you but do know that there are consequences {"To every action force there is an equal, but opposite, reaction force" Newton’s third Law(1 Cor 6:9-10)} to all that we do, but when you are ready check me (1 Cor 6:11). Thus changed in some men and women their natural affection from male / female, female / male to male/ male, female / female and many other variations (Rom 1:24 -27). Some even talk about Naomi and Ruth, there is nothing that said that they are or are not. When we reach in Heaven we will ask God.

This being said does not give Christians any reason to treat homosexuals any differently than they would like to be treated. In fact God expects all his children to treat each other with compassion, love and respect, especially those who profess to be Christians. It is their duty.

To some homosexuality may be a choice some it may not be. To me that do not matter some people are living their life as they are to live it, rightly or wrongly.

If I believe that homosexuality is wrong, will that make me automatically a homophobe? Some say yes, how? That is like a vegan working in an ice-cream shop, we have to work with stuff, situations and things that we do not like that is what being a mature human person is about.

To those who follow the alternative lifestyles, churches as most other organizations have many rules and regulations by which they are governed. Not being open to homosexuals may be one of those many rules. Some allow homosexuals to attend their services but are not allowed to officiate in any of their services or become card caring members unless they follow their rules. You should respect that even though you may not like it may be homosexuals should open their on church. Don’t hate appreciate.

I don’t think that the discussion and the toll on the emotions will get any easier, may be that's the way it should be. May be?


TS Bloody TT, yes the great TSTT.

For those of you who don’t know they are the oldest and majority supplier of telecommunication services in Trinidad and Tobago.

I’ve been having some major problems with these guys with regard to land line service and blink high speed internet. The later is just not happening. I got the broadband package early and it never worked not even bit. Not even the technical help guys were any help. TSTT if you are going to hire persons to give technical help over the phone at least they should be able to talk English reasonably well. What ever help they gave was as if read from a manual not intuitive, I mean man gosh! Nothing worked, after several visits to their local they finally told me that there is a coil or filter in my line to that I am able to receive calls due to my distance from what is essentially is the nearest relay center. They have to remove this filter so that I may have any chance of receiving any broadband service but if they do that I will not be able to receive any calls through that line. Now I have to wait and see if they are able to remove the filter.

In the mean time every time there is sprinkle of rain, phone service is interrupted for hours on end. I have called them more than twice and it is always the same response “we have taken note of it and will send a tech out” I think they said within (7) seven working days. I have yet to receive a visit by any of their techs or even a phone call when the phone is working. This totally sucks.
I have reduced my internet dial up package to the smallest that they offer which is 20hrs so that I can do various updates like anti-virus and so on and I am still not receiving value for money. I don’t even receive any cell service where I live, I will if I run out the road and walk around with my cell in my hand so that I can find service hot spots, ridiculous.

So what next, may be I switch across to Digicel or Flow when I get digital cable. I still will have to depend on them for my land line services…………. Well another dance with the devil.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Anti-This Anti-That

This is what happened on Sunday the 10th of March in the Cap-De-Ville Point Fortin area. There were two marches on the main road through the area.

Commencing at Chatam, members and supporters of the “Good Health & Fitness Center” march/walk to their facility in Point Fortin opposite the Catholic Church. During the walk they gave out pamphlets pens and rulers bearing the logo “Crime Stoppers…It Is Safe and It Works”. They reached their gym at about 9:30 in the am.

This day another march was also scheduled to start; this march was an anti-drug march. The start time of this march was 9am at the “Catholic Church Car park” (not that this is the churches car park but because of its proximity to this paved space).

This Ant-Drug was powered by members of the Cap-De-Ville Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Before the got on their way they the marchers who were wearing matching red jerseys were addressed by the Member of Parliament for Point Fortin Hon. Paula Gopee-Scoon (Minister of Foreign Affairs) and the First Elder of the Cap-De-Ville Seventh-Day Adventist Church Curtis Christopher.

This march did not start till about 10:20am in the rain.

After walking for about 10 minutes the rain stopped.

They arrived at their destination the Sherwin Julien Recreation Ground about an hour after they left Point Fortin.
Ironically in the background of the following pictures is a house lived in and owned by a man who's life in now owned by drugs.

Here they were addressed by different speakers including the Councilor for the area Sean Barrat.

Then the festivities began. Food, drinks, plants and books were on sale and weight lifting was demonstrated by instructors from the Good Health & Fitness Center. Later on that evening there was an aerobic endurance competition.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Hi people how are things.

I attended a baptism today, remember that evangelistic series that I talked about in my last blog entry. Evidently people do believe, may be they just should.

The days events were threatened by rain and wind after all we are in the rain season it is to be expected. A few persons got a little wet but as we say in Trinidad “the only thing rain stops is Cricket” so the show went on.

About 30 (thirty) persons got baptized. This was not the sprinkling type baptism but full submersion. This was done at the “New” Clifton Hill/Guapo Beach facilities. The candidates, one by one were fully submerged by the pastor assisted by an elder; the sky was overcast the whole time as the members of the church sang. The beach was sprinkled by a few bathers occasionally looking on at what was going on.

After it was all done they went back to the tent for lunch.

The tent is scheduled for demolition the following day Sunday 27th 2008.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Last Warning for Point Ligoure

Tonight the 22/07/08 was the first night that I attended the Evangelistic meeting that was taking place at the point ligoure junction Point Fortin.
This was the last week in the series of weeks on nightly Evangelistic meetings. For some reason I did not get to attend previous nights. This night was well attended in my view, made up of the usual compliment of church members, the curious newly baptized and those wanting to be baptized. They, the latter, all potential new members for the Seventh-Day Adventist Church body in Point Fortin.

On this night members of a local football (soccer) team got a football that the evangelist had promised them if six or more of them would attend one of the nights.

A personal testimony was given by Pedro DeSilver. He spoke about overcoming a life of crime and drugs (through the power of Jesus Christ) which he began at the age of 14 years old at that time he was attending Boys Industrial School. He was in and out of prison until 9th of November 2002. To date this has been the longest period he has been out of prison, all credited to the power of Christ.

This night sermon was focused on the Last warning given to the world all that will see read and listen. This was based on the book of Revelation, revelation 14. All in all it was a learning experience had by all weather you believe or not..

Friday, July 4, 2008

Reaching out

Looking at the TV I am, at that little clock digital on the cable box
When should I do it? touch the raised knobs
The ones with the letters let them spell for me.

Reach out and touch,
Reach out and touch. What is the timing? At what time should I?
Hesitating, questioning, waiting to reach out and do such
Touch, not if but when? When?

Hate this do I, the waiting, the wanting to but still deciding
Should I? That I do know is yes, bloody yes!
Smile, do I
Depress the knobs I touch, I don’t.

Why the hell not!

The while all the time is crawling on
Still have I not touched it
A fool such am I, wasting time when I could be conversating
About what should I be talking?
Commonalities established I have not, pathetic

Hard this is
Is this hard?
Hard this is
Touch back I can’t, I would if I could
Now for I can’t

But is there a future? A future is there.

Saturday, June 28, 2008



Listen, speaking a language that is easy
In the air unheard of as what is for us un-breathable
Believable as this that you don’t believe in, like long life for everyone in a war zone
Possible, as everything is as change is constant.

To hear them talk about you is quite an air-full.
They speak bold, truths that are rooted in rumors and exaggeration of every day speech.
When they hear you do they understand anything, in their active hearing are they actively listening?
Just saying that, that is something to be made an effort off by anyone who really wishes to understand what they are hearing.
I will sometimes ask myself do they really wish to understand or are they just making conversation, not intelligent, just movement of the mouth and sound coming out.
Unfortunately I am able to hear them, ignore I don’t but reply in kind.


Children Misbehaving

Should it be an offense if two (2) minors {as being defined as persons sixteen (16) years and under} have consensual sex with other? Well that is what is planned in new legislation to protect children here in Trinidad and Tobago. They are trying to protect them against themselves.

How do they plan to treat with child/children who have broken this proposed law?

Juvenile intuitions of corrections are notorious for their own brand of offenses, from bulling, beatings, molestation and rape by older and more seasoned inmates of such institutes. Why are they not fixing the institutions first before enacting legislation that will potentially increase the population of these places?

In no way should children be encouraged to have sex.

Making it a criminal offense will in no way stop or prevent it from happening. Delaying one’s child sexual encounters until they are adults when hopefully they are able to understand and cope with the responsibility of such a beautiful act should start at a very young age. This takes parents, mature parents who make time to spend with their children, supported by grandparents, aunts and uncles (if they have them). Know your child, communicate; the lines of communication should be so open with your child that they will be at ease to come to you with any problems, concerns and temptation that would come their way from day to day.

So to the original question I say NO. Then what do I know?

A Child Killed

Our bodies went cold, everyone who heard the news for the first time paused, their jaws dropped a bit some still tears came to their eyes. When the picture of the beautiful little girl made front page the anger level of the people of this nation raised they tasted the blood on their tongues.Hope

Another child is dead, dead at the hands of an adult, dead.

Why do people kill children? I can’t answer that but think about it, some of the murders of children tend to occur as part of a murder suicide when a relationship goes bad. As for the latest murder the question as to why this little girl was killed is still unanswered. This question will never be fully answered because the alleged killer, her step-dad, allegedly killed himself whiled being held in isolation away from the general population of the prison.

What can we do to prevent the next child from being murdered?

Do you know where your child is at this very moment? Do you know who they are with? Knowledge is the proper use of that knowledge is even better. Monitor your new boy/girl friend(s) when they are with your children, their probation period should be long and carefully monitored. Talk to their friends, family and associates. When you see flags address them immediately do not wait confront him/her and do it with tact. Do not be paranoid; paranoia makes the situation more difficult.

Legislation is way behind where it should be, protecting the nation’s children seems to be low on the government of Trinidad and Tobago list of priorities.

May be I am just wrong and things are being done and we haven’t heard about it.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Borough Day

Borough Day has come and gone in the Borough of Point Fortin. The Lingering stench of beer and spoiled food lingers in the air, and will linger there for a while or until heavy rains washes down the streets. Borough workers replace concrete barriers to bring some semblance of order to the Borough frenzied streets of Point Fortin.

The blimp is gone hopefully so are the criminals pick pockets etc who makes their yearly trip to the fertile hunting grounds that is Point Fortin at Borough time. The police and army were here in full flight to battle the evil ones, yippee! Yes there were the mandatory fights and stabbings.

I did not attend any of the events save the Gospel Concert (part of anyway it was excellent) so I will not be giving you any thoughts on them.

Most of the visitors have already left or will be leaving soon, some time after Mothers Day may be. Some vendors have also remained hoping to cash in on the potential gains on the now near Mothers Day, a day when mothers who are loved are given a little extra Love and Attention which they do deserve.